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“etherapyPro has given me options.There are many paths you can take and it’s nice to direct the progress you want to make.”
“My counselor is easy to talk to, and is an interesting guy! Chatting on eTherapyPro lets me engage when it’s right for me vs being held to a schedule.”
“It has been very comforting for me to know I can chat with my counselor whenever it works for me. It’s not easy for me to talk about the abuse I suffered, it’s much easier with my counselor on eTherapyPro.”

Take our “lets begin” questionnaire and get paired with therapist who understands your needs.

Exchange unlimited messages with your therapist wherever and whenever it is more convienient for you.

Reach your personal goals with the help of your therapist.You can even switch therapist if you like.
eTherapyPro – your guide to happiness.